Zuzana Zeleznovova

PornStar Zuzana Zeleznovova CZ

Bio: Zuzana Zeleznovova is a dream slut with an amazing hot body and a very beautiful face that will shake your world! She is from the land of hot blonde babes: the Czech Republic. She’s an angel of a fuck-doll with a winning smile and a sweet, generous demeanor. There’s no doubt that Zuzana could be a mainstream model if she weren’t such a horny beast at heart. Barely an hour goes by where she isn’t fingering herself and tasting her pussy sauce. Zuzana loves the soft erotica stuff. Watching her have a French kissing session with another beautiful doll is so sweet that you’ll get a toothache and a ball-ache at the same time. Make sure you check her out having sex with 2 guys and another girl in a swimming pool...it's hot as hell!
País: Czech Republic
City: Prague
Cumpleaños: 25 August, 1983

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